Thursday 7 March 2013

The presentation


The presentation
My feedback
I have done the presentation with Gaby and the class mate. However, I think it was not bad and not very good. Moreover, the class Meta noticed that I’m moving to the opposite place and they side you have to look every were the students set in the class. Mitchell .O (2009) “Eye connection means spending time with each person so that person feels like you’re just talking to them”.  Therefore, I had stopped in one of the points because I want to remember but if it will happen again I have to write notes in small paper or cart. However, I will try to fix these problems as much as I can.
Gaby’s feedback
Gaby noticed that I had but introduction and the man body I introduce myself for the students who are in the class. LabSpace (2013) stated that the main body is to tell the audience what will happen in this presentation. However, Gaby noticed some prowler and singular mistakes and I had pot capital litters in the place wold not needs. Also, I had bot the references were I had the pictures and the information and I had concluded of the presentation.
LabSpace (2013) Giving presentations. Available at: 7 March 2013).

 Mitchell. O (2009) speaking about presenting. Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2013).

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