Thursday 14 March 2013

My Subject

( 2012)

My subject
The subject which I chose is computer security. This subject is  a very good subject to learn, and it will be easy to get job because this subject is very important for a lot of places, for example, companies, factories, police and any part of government. However, before I chose this subject I had read about it and I share ideas with my parents. Therefore, when I went to the university I asked friends of me about the subject and they stated it is very interesting and perfect subject you have chosen. However, my degree course aims to teach students how to deal with hacking, networks, program and website.   According to (2011) “It contains details about respondents’ security programs, including budgeting, policies implemented, tools used, satisfaction with security tools and budgets, degree of outsourcing, use of metrics and effects of compliance requirements.”
Bibliography (2011) CSI COMPUTER SECURITY INSTITUTE. Avilable at: (Accessed: 14 March 2013).

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