Wednesday 7 November 2012


The house of  Lords is upper house of the parliament of  United Kingdom.The house of Lords is in the palace of westmenster. The house of Lords in independent from and complements the work of house of commons. The house of Lords share responsibility for making lows and checking government action. The house of Lords is the second chamber of parliament.


The house of commoms is the lower house of the parliament of the United Kingdom. The house of commons is the palace of westminester. The house of commons is ademocratically elected body consisting of 650 members kwon as members of parliament. A house  of commons of England evolved at some point in England during the 14th century, becoming the house of commons of Grat Britian after the political Union with Secotland in 1707 and in the nineteenth century the Uk of Grat Britian and Ireland after the political Union with Ireland before assuming its current title after independence was given to the Irish free slate in 1922.

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