Thursday 1 November 2012

The European Union&The Eurozone Crisis

The idea of united Europe come to be strong economic in(1939-45). By1950 the Britain not want to join the EEC because they have special relationship with the USA. The France initally not want Britain to join the EEC because they have critical of Britain relationship with the USA. The referendum is a groub of people voting for or agents some thing. The percentage of the world trade belongs to the EU the world trade divided in to 6 part 5 part of them are developing states one of them consider rest of the world, the highest trade percentage in the aspect of export which is 16% of the word.The institutions are involved in the running of the EU is the council of Ministers, the European commission, the European parliament and the Eoropean court of justice. The 2 countries joined EU in 2009 are Romaia and Bulgaria.


The term 'austerity measures'mean is an official action taken by a government in order to reduce the amount of many that it spends or the amount that people spend.The countries of the EU are facing the greatest crisis are Greece,Spain,Italy,Portugal,and Cyprus.

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