Thursday 21 March 2013

Life at the University of Glamorgan

Life at the Glamorgan University
In mid-September 2012 I came to Wales to complete my study in the UK in Wales in University of Glamorgan. After I finished my high school I was thinking to complete my study in the UK but before I decided to came here I was shearing ideas with my family and friends and the  support me to complete my education in the UK. Moreover, the side to me this is your future and you have to build a good life for yourself and you can get a good job. However, the fires day for me in university of Glamorgan was 26-09-2012 it was the most excited day for me and I was happy because I will start me ne life in the University. Moreover, I' m studying International Foundation Course and this Couse is really helpful for the international students. I have learned many useful things for the next year for example, Computer, Witting, and Math and there are few more subjects. The group who I study with is very good group and they are helping each other also the teachers are very good teachers they try to helping us as much as they can. Therefore, there are also places to eat food and there is spot center.              

Thursday 14 March 2013

My Subject

( 2012)

My subject
The subject which I chose is computer security. This subject is  a very good subject to learn, and it will be easy to get job because this subject is very important for a lot of places, for example, companies, factories, police and any part of government. However, before I chose this subject I had read about it and I share ideas with my parents. Therefore, when I went to the university I asked friends of me about the subject and they stated it is very interesting and perfect subject you have chosen. However, my degree course aims to teach students how to deal with hacking, networks, program and website.   According to (2011) “It contains details about respondents’ security programs, including budgeting, policies implemented, tools used, satisfaction with security tools and budgets, degree of outsourcing, use of metrics and effects of compliance requirements.”
Bibliography (2011) CSI COMPUTER SECURITY INSTITUTE. Avilable at: (Accessed: 14 March 2013).

Thursday 7 March 2013

The presentation


The presentation
My feedback
I have done the presentation with Gaby and the class mate. However, I think it was not bad and not very good. Moreover, the class Meta noticed that I’m moving to the opposite place and they side you have to look every were the students set in the class. Mitchell .O (2009) “Eye connection means spending time with each person so that person feels like you’re just talking to them”.  Therefore, I had stopped in one of the points because I want to remember but if it will happen again I have to write notes in small paper or cart. However, I will try to fix these problems as much as I can.
Gaby’s feedback
Gaby noticed that I had but introduction and the man body I introduce myself for the students who are in the class. LabSpace (2013) stated that the main body is to tell the audience what will happen in this presentation. However, Gaby noticed some prowler and singular mistakes and I had pot capital litters in the place wold not needs. Also, I had bot the references were I had the pictures and the information and I had concluded of the presentation.
LabSpace (2013) Giving presentations. Available at: 7 March 2013).

 Mitchell. O (2009) speaking about presenting. Available at: (Accessed: 7 March 2013).

Sunday 3 March 2013

Academic culture in the UK

(Portfolio 2013)

Academic culture in the UK

When I arrived the first day at the University of Glamorgan, it was mid-September and it was enjoyable to start the first day in the academic culture. Moreover, I was excited to be part of the academic culture and it was challenging for me to pass the course and start the New Year. However, it was difficult in the beginning but then I felt more comfortable as time went by. The sock was to me to write long essays, but with practice I found it interesting to work on it. Also, the language was difficult for the international students because their language extremely different and their writing litters are different. University of East Anglia (2012) "As a student from a country with many similarities to England, including having English as the first language, you may think that the academic systems are also very similar”. Moreover, the presentations were difficult for me because before I started in this academic culture I had never done it.



Portfolio (2013) University of Glamorgan. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2013).

University of East Anglia (2012) Academic Culture Shock. Available at: (Accessed: 3 March 2013).


Wednesday 27 February 2013

the culture in the UK

The culture in the UK


My first day in the UK was in June 2012 and the weather was sunny and pleasant. However, when the winter started, I found it very cold. Also, the food was extremely different than UAE's, food. In the UK, their traditional food is fish and chips and potatoes. Moreover, the British have special day for cooking and eating pancakes and they call it Pancake Day. It was interesting for me because it was the first time I ate pancakes. Lemm (2013) "The earliest records of pancakes and pancake tossing appeared in the fifteenth century when the pancakes were a little thicker than the modern pancake; they would also often have added spices for a little decadence". Another aspect I like was that I now walk everywhere instead of driving. I see enjoyable views and many people are going to their jobs and the students are walking.



                                  ( (2013


Thursday 21 February 2013

the popular sports in the UK

Popular sports in the UK


The most popular in England is football and it was started in 1857 in London. The football in England is becoming international sport and they have a public school for football games because of this reasons England is considered the home of the football.



They enjoy in their traditional sports like football and rugby but they interesting to take some more unusual actives. They are enjoying watching rugby because of the traditional sport of wales. Moreover, they like to meet with friends when there is rugby much and they watch it together and them going to the pub to have fun with friends. However, they are interesting on football because of their history on football. They started the football in 1889 .


The popular sport in Scotland is golf. Scottish Sports (2013)  "The game of Golf was invented in Scotland and enjoyed by the nobility as early as the 15th Century. Indeed it was regarded as with some disdain and actively discouraged by an Act of Parliament in 1457. In 1491 it was decreed that "no place in the realm there be suit Fete-ball, Golfed or other unprofitabill sports". Also, they are interesting in football because it is been played from a long time.


The popular sport in Ireland is hurling. Hurling has to be most interesting and skillful of the traditional Irish sport. Also, they are interesting in football because it is common to find football. (2011) "Hurling has to be the most beautiful and skilful of the traditional Irish sports. The game can be traced back thousands of years and features strongly in the legends of Ireland".



Scottish Sports (201) Scottish Sports & Interests. Available at:  (Accessed: 20 February 2013). (2011) The Biggest Traditional Irish Sports. Available at: (Accessed: 20 February 2013).

Thursday 7 February 2013


1- How many people speak this language in the world today?
The people who speak this language are about 874 million.

2- Where are the main n areas in the UK where this language?

There are more than one city where the Chinese language spoken. The cities are Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Newcastle.

3- What is the history of this language in the UK?

Celebrations such as the Chinese New Year and the Dragon Boat Festival provide an opportunity for the wider community to enjoy Chinese culture, at the same time as raising funds for community groups working to keep Chinese languages and traditions alive. Chan, E (2012) " On the surface, the Chinese seem relatively content and well-to-do, with British Chinese pupils regularly outperforming their classmates and Chinese men more likely than any other ethnic group to be in a professional job. Consequently, we are often overlooked in talks on racism and social exclusion."

·         When was it first spoken?

The first spoken language it was in nineteenth century.

·         What is the story behind its arrival in the UK?


Chan, E. (2012) ‘Chinese Britons have put up with racism for too long’, The Guardian, 11 January [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 21 March 2013).