Thursday 31 January 2013

The newspapers

The Guardian
The Sun
In the guardian the vocabularies are more formal.
Assert, construct, freedom, revolutionaries.

In the Sun the vocabularies are informal.
Unannounced, potential, deliver, Describing.

Reporter’s viewpoint
The guardian is more objective and very clear to understand but there are words are difficult to understand it.
The Sun is objective but there are a lot of word is not formal and I think it is easy to understand.  
Content details
In the guardian there are more details.
In the Sun there are not enough details.
Reference used in article
The Guardian Is subjective newspaper because of the information’s is more than the Sun.
Cameron was greeted by jostling crowds and Libyans taking photos of him as he discussed the fate of the revolution just 100 yards from Gaddafi's old palace.

The Sun is not accurate newspaper and they have not enough information.
  Visual images
In guardian there are 3 pictures, and the pictures are very clear. In the first picture Cameron with the people and in the second picture Cameron with Libya's interior minister and in the third picture Cameron also speck to the police army.
In the Sun there are 4 pictures ,in the first picture Cameron speak to the people in the street , and the second picture Cameron meets with Libya's Interior Minister Ashour Shuail in Tripoli, in the third picture Western officials fear North Africa is becoming increasingly unstable, in the last one Cameron speak to the police and army.

"In building a new Libya you will have no greater friend than the United Kingdom. We will stand with you every step of the way."

“So we have offered training and support from our police and our military. We look forward to working together in the years ahead.”


Losh, J. (2013) ‘David Cameron lands in Libya for unannounced visit’, The Sun, 31 January [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 31 January 2013).
Wintour, K. (2013) ‘David Cameron arrives in Libya on surprise visit’, The Guardian, 31 January [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 31 January 2013).

Thursday 24 January 2013

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

(Info4Security 2007-2012) 

· Should the death penalty exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism?

I think to apply capital punishment for the people who commit murder and terrorism because they affect people considerably in the areas where they commit these crimes. ‘Execution permanently removes the worst criminals from society and is safer for prison guards, fellow inmates and the rest of us than long term or permanent incarceration’ ( 2013).

· Should the main purpose of prison be punishment or rehabilitation?

I believe that the purpose of punishment is to apply the rehabilitation for the people who commit problems.

· What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime such as?

The best way to deal with joy-riding is to put the joy-riding in jail and to pay money to the person who stole their car.

The best way to deal with vandalism is to apply corporal punishment for them because they set fire to shops and they break cars and shops.

The best way to deal graffiti to apply a punishment to pant what they write in the walls or anywhere ales and to put them in jail for few days .

· Is it ever right for political activists to break the law?

I hold they have to apply corporal punishment for them because they make problems for the country.

· How strict should the law be with people who drink and driving?

I think to apply corporal punishment for them because they cannot control their shelf and maybe they will endanger the lives of other people at risk.

· Which is the more serious problem in your county tax evasion or social security fraud?

· In my country, UAE, we do not have evasion tax because we do not pay any tax. However, our government gave a many for the people who cannot work. For example, the people who cannot walk and the people who cannot hear and sea. So in my country, UAE, the social security fraud is a crime.

· Should the police have the right to stop and search you in the street without a warrant?

I do not believe that the police stop you in the street without warrant because maybe they have something original to do but if they have warrant they have to stop them. According to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (2013), before they stop you they must be sure you have got something in the car.

· Should the law respect the rights of homeless people to squat in unoccupied property or shop doorways?

I assert that the police should not stop them because they do not have a place to live.

· Should smoking cannabis be a criminal offence?

I think to apply to put the people who smoke cannabis in jail because maybe the other people will learn from them and it will be destruction for other people.

Bibliography (2013) The pros and cons of the death penalty in the USA. Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2013).

Citizens’ Advice Bureau (2013) Power of stop, search and seizure. Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2013).

Info4Security( 2007-2012) BBC One begins ten-part focus on crime and punishment. Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2013).

Wednesday 16 January 2013

London Roits

London Riots
( 2011)
I’m going to write about the London Riots. It was two years ago. It started in London and it exploded to anther cities. It happened about price rises. Young people fighting with each other, and they were rioting. Also, they were destroying government property. Also, they they were started the fire in streets and they were steeling things from shops and many. However, they do not want the government to increases price.

Why did the London Riots happen?

According to the BBC (2012), in the summer of 2011 the riots began after the person who was shot dead by the police. W (cited in the BBC website 2011) stated that ‘The riots here in London started after the shooting of Mark Duggan by the police.'


BBC (2012) England riots: One year on. Available at: (Accessed: 10 Jan 2013).

BBC (2011) London Riots Reason. Available at: (Accessed: 13 Jan 2013). (2011) London Riots. Available at: 
(Accessed: 13 Jan 2013).