Wednesday 24 October 2012

Iam going to compare the education system between the UK and my country .

The education system in the UK is divided in to three part primary,secondary,and higher education.Cildren in the UK have to legally attend primary and secondary education which runs from 5years old until the student is 16 years old .In the UK primary school start at age 5 years old until 11years old and in the secondary school start from 11years old until 16 years old .In the UK cannot leave school until 16 years old.

In my country the education system is divided into three parts primary edcation, secondary education,and hiher education.In my country the children have to legally attend primary education at age 4 until 9 years old then the secondary education from 9 years old until 15 years old then the higher education from 15 years old until 18 years old.In my country the students connot leave the shcool until they are 18 years old. In my country we have private schools and public schools.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

the four nations of the UK


England is the most popular country in the UK and the largest country in the UK and the UK .England is the entire island of the UK .The capital of England is London and nearly 84% of the population of the UK lives in Egland .The population of london in  approximately 16 million 



Scotland is island in north part of British  island. Scotland one of fourconstitvent nations which from the UK,scotland is divided in to  ththree main regions. Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland. The population of Scotlanin   approximately is 5.22 million


The capitai city of Wales is Cardiff. The location of wales is in the south -west of Europe,and Wales is an island in the UKthe population of Wales  approximately3 million .


Nothern Ireland is a part of the UK .The population of nothern Ireland approximately 1.8 million, the location of  nothern Lreland in the northeast of the Ireland.

Thursday 4 October 2012


my name is eisa alshamisi I'm from UAE
nice to meet you evry body